Trails & Lakes
Hummel Park offers over three miles of paved trails, and six bodies of water, including White Lick Creek which runs from the northen-most point of the park to the southern-most point.
There are five small lakes within Hummel Park, including Blue Heron Lake. Fishing is allowed within the park and a valid Indiana Fishing License is required.

Trails and Lake Rules
Please see the full Hummel Park Policies and Ordinances here
Park Hours: No person shall enter or remain in any park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township after the park or recreational area is closed to the public. Parks and other recreational areas in Guilford Civil Township open to the public at dawn and close at dusk or at the conclusion of park approved activities, whichever is later.
Disposal of Rubbish, Refuse and Garbage: No person shall take into, carry through, or put into any park or other recreation area any rubbish, refuse, garbage or other material. Any refuse or garbage resulting from properly using the parks and recreation areas shall be deposited in receptacles provided. Where receptacles or adequate receptacles are not provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the park or recreation area by the person responsible for its presence and disposed of elsewhere.
Altering or Removing Signs, Structures, Fixtures and Other Improvements Prohibited: No person shall damage, deface, remove or otherwise alter any sign, structure, fixture, or other improvement in any park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township. The signs, structures, fixtures or other improvements shall include, but not be limited to, any drive, roadway, walk, path, trail, bridge, wall, monument, statue, fountain, grill, table, bench, fence, gate, building, pool and recreational equipment.
Disturbing, Injuring, or Removing Wildlife and Vegetation Prohibited: No person shall harass, hunt, trap, injure, remove or otherwise disturb any wildlife located in any park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township without the express written permission of the Guilford Civil Township Board, the Township Trustee or the Park Administrator. The term “wildlife” shall mean any wild mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, mollusk, crustacean, or other wild animal or any part, product, egg, offspring, or the dead body or parts of the wild animal.
No person shall harvest, cut, break, set afire, injure, remove, or otherwise disturb any plant, flower, bush, tree, or other vegetation growing in any park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township. No person shall attach any rope or cable or other contrivance to any tree, fence, railing, bridge, bench, or other structure. Persons fishing in any of the ponds must have in their possession a valid fishing license.
Swimming Prohibited: No person shall swim, wade, or bathe in any waters that are within any park or other recreational area unless a lifeguard is on duty at the particular site. The Hummel Park Splash Pad is excluded from this rule; however, all children under the age of thirteen (13) must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian while at the Splash Pad.
Pet Supervision Required: Definition: For the purposes of this ordinance, a pet shall be defined as an animal kept for pleasure, not utility. An exotic animal is defined as any animal whose normal native habitat is not indigenous to the continental United States, excluding Hawaii and Alaska, and non-poisonous snakes and reptiles. Exotic animals are not permitted in a park or other recreational areas in Guilford Civil Township.
No person shall bring any pet into a park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township unless the person shall continuously supervise such pet, including preventing or promptly repairing any damages caused by the pet and picking-up and disposing of any excrement dropped by the pet upon any park property. All pets are to be kept on short leashes at all times. Pets will not be permitted on playground equipment or surfacing.
Camping Prohibited: No person shall erect or maintain a tent, canopy, or other shelter, or otherwise camp within any park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township without express written permission of the Guilford Township Board, Guilford Township Trustee or Guilford Park Administrator. Permission must be conspicuously posted at the site of the tent, canopy, or shelter
Fires Prohibited: No person shall build, kindle, maintain or use a fire within any park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township unless the person properly contains such fire in facilities designed for that purpose. All persons shall use the grills provided in the park for cooking unless a permit is approved by the Guilford Township Board, the Guilford Township Trustee, or the Guilford Park Administrator. A request for a bonfire shall require the additional approval of the Plainfield Fire Territory. Any fire shall be continuously monitored and under the care and direction of a competent person from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished.
Discharging of fireworks is prohibited in any park, trail or property owned or maintained by Guilford Civil Township with the following exception: 1) by the professional fireworks company contracted by the Guilford Township Trustee to produce the Fourth of July fireworks show, during the stated hours of the event; and 2) by the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy with a valid permit.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Trail Restrictions: No person shall operate any motorized vehicle, motorized bicycle, motorized skateboard or other similar device upon any trail designed for bicycle/pedestrian use in Guilford Civil Township, except if a person with a disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, may operate the device specialized motorized equipment designed for their transportation. Motorized vehicles owned and operated by Guilford Civil Township and/or its contractors and subcontractor are permitted on any trail designed for bicycle/pedestrian use within Guilford Civil Township, when doing work for the Township or providing a service for the Township.
No person shall ride or allow any horse on any trail designed for bicycle/pedestrian use or in any park or other recreational area in Guilford Civil Township unless authorized by the Guilford Township Board, Guilford Township Trustee or Guilford Park Administrator.
No person shall ride a bicycle at an excessive speed or engage in any racing activity upon any trail designed for bicycle/pedestrian use in Guilford Civil Township. In-line skaters, skate boarders and bicyclists shall yield to pedestrians. Bicyclists shall yield to all trail users. Bicyclists must walk bicycles across bridge(s) in parks and other recreational areas within Guilford Civil Township.
Bicycles, scooters, roller blades, skates or skateboards are restricted to paved roadways and pedestrian/bicycle trails. Bicycles, scooters, roller blades, skates or skateboards are not allowed on sidewalks around Guilford Township Community Center, walkways leading to shelter houses or gazebos, walkways leading to playground areas, playground areas and surfacing, or brick flower beds or in any of the buildings including shelter houses and gazebos. Bicyclists and users of scooters, roller blades, skates or skateboards bike, scoot or skate at their own risk.
Contact & Hours
1500 S. Center St.
Plainfield, IN 46168
Township Office : (317) 838-0564
Park Office : (317) 839-9121
Township Office
Monday - Friday : 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Park Office
Monday - Friday : 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Hummel Park
Open Daily from Dawn to Dusk